Postal Address

APS Secretariat

c/- DC Conference &
Association Management

PO Box 637

North Sydney NSW 2059


Head Office

Secretariat Office

c/- DC Conference &
Association Management

Suite 103, Level 1

3 West Street

North Sydney NSW 2060


Registered Charity



Basic Pain Research Special Interest Group

This Special Interest Group (SIG) is formally consituted under the By-Laws of the
Australian Pain Society Constitution, adopted 10 April 2019. BPR_SIG_logo

Travel Grant

From 2018, a single dedicated PhD student Travel Grant of $500 will be made available to a Basic Pain Research SIG member.

SIG members must apply through the APS Travel Grant process.

Jackson_KarraschCheck out the 2024 BPR SIG Travel Grant recipient
blog post from Jackson Karrasch

BPR SIG Travel Grant Blog 



Please refer to the APS Calendar of Events for Seminars and Symposiums specific to Basic Pain Research.

BPR Pain Hour    
Exploring the Biology of Placebo and Nocebo Effects on Pain  Tue 17SEP24, 3-4pm AEST via Zoom   
Unravelling the Nervous System: High-Resolution Transcriptomics Insights in Pain Studies Tue 22OCT24, 10-11am AEDT via Zoom  
Advances in the visualization of neural activity in pain pathways   Tue 19NOV24, 12-1pm AEDT via Zoom  RSVP here!


Basic Pain Research SIG Membership Information:

Must have current APS Membership to join the SIG. Annual SIG Fee: $35

Support and follow the SIG with the joint Twitter hashtags: #AusPainSoc #BPRSIG

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the Basic Pain Research Special Interest Group (SIG) shall be to share, improve and promote scientific knowledge and understanding regarding the components of nociception and pain at the level of molecules and cells in animals and humans. This is to provide enough data to bridge the gap between basic and clinical research for the benefit of pain patients.

Aims and Objectives

The Australian Pain Society SIG on Basic Pain Research aims to:

  • Provide a platform for discussion, communication and collaboration between researchers that share the common interest in basic research to understand the signaling and underlying causes of nociception and pain.
  • Promote awareness for the need of basic pain research
  • Promote translational research based on robust basic research and the interdisciplinary collaboration among basic researchers, clinicians and other health care professionals
  • Provide guidance for ethical questions and training in animal models of pain
  • Disseminate up to date knowledge of new developments in the area of basic pain research

Executive Roles and Terms

Role Membership Term
Chairperson APS 2 years
Immediate Past Chair APS 1 year
Honorary Secretary APS 2 years; can stand for up to 6 years
Communications Officer APS 2 years; can stand for up to 6 years
APS Board Representative APS Dr Andrew Watson (ACT Director)

Current Office Bearers

Australian Pain Society Basic Pain Research SIG Executive for 2024-2025  
Chair A/Prof Gila Moalem-Taylor
Immediate Past Chair Prof Jason Ivanusic
Secretary Dr Lipin Loo
Communications Officer Dr Dusan Matusica

Functions and Operational Notes

  • The Australian Pain Society Basic Pain Research SIG Annual General Meetings (AGMs) shall be held as part of the APS meeting.
  • The Honorary Secretary shall manage official correspondence, agendas and minutes.
  • The Communication Officer shall manage relevant website content, communications with members and external partners (with consent of the Australian Pain Society Board as required).
  • A member of the SIG Executive shall represent the SIG on the Scientific Program Committee of each Australian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)

Useful Links

Name/Details Link
APS BPR SIG Expert Database and survey link Member Login
RELIEF: Pain Research News, Insights and Ideas Website
Pain Research Forum Website
Gene Quantification Info Website
International Mouse Phenotype Consortium Website
Atlas of Laboratory Mouse Histology Website
Gene Expression Nervous System Atlas (GENSAT)  Website












