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The PMG Toolkit 2nd Edition is a resource for aged care facilities to implement the book Pain in Residential Aged Care Facilities: Management Strategies 2nd Edition (Pain in RACF2). Printable Resources are also included below, such as fact sheets, posters, handouts, assessment scales, plans, and checklists. The toolkit is published by the National Ageing Research Institute and the Australian Pain Society.
Click this button to download the toolkit: PMG Toolkit 2nd Edition, 2021
The ready made resources that are downloadable from this page are free to use in Australian residential aged care facilities. Acknowledgement and attribution must be retained. Click the name of the printable resource to access the resource.
Third party copyright
Wherever a third party holds copyright in this material, the copyright remains with that party.
Links to some Pain Assessment Scales and Templates are also available on this page for your convenience. Their permission may be required to use the material. Please contact them directly.